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Roasted Carrots with Chopped Mint Dressing

Carrots have been filling the farmers markets around here as of late. Commercially, we are often used to buying carrots in their perfectly cut "baby carrot" form - clean, bagged and ready for snacking.  There is certainly nothing wrong with some convenience, but I can tell you, it's worth the bit of extra time it takes to clean these roots when purchased locally. They are often much sweeter and typically cheaper per volume to buy direct from the farmer. Depending on which region of the country you live, you should see carrots in your farmers market through the start of winter, if not longer. 

Roasting is one of the best ways to bring out and intensify this root’s inner sweetness. Seasoned with a hint of heat that balances nicely with fresh mint dressing, these Roasted Carrots with Chopped Mint Dressing are a tasty, versatile side dish. If you happen to have any leftovers, try chopping up the cold carrots and adding them to a salad.

Find this easy Bonnie Plants recipe here.